15 August 1944 – 31 December 2023
Announcement of His Departure.
Most Esteemed and Respected, Satguru’s Beloved Sadh Sangat Ji,
The Life of Sant Sadhu Ram Ji has finished on the earth plane. He has gone to be with His Master. Guru Ajaib has written, “Send me, happily send me, I have to go to Kirpal’s Home.” Our lives are forever blessed because of Your Life. Our hearts can never forget Your Gracious Deeds to us. We Remember You, We Remember You, Becoming One with You.Hold us near, Very Dear, Satguru Ji.
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Baba Sawan Singh was born into a Grewal Sikh family on 27 July 1858 in village Jatala, District Ludhiana. His father was Subedar Major Kabul Singh and his mother was Mata Jiwani. He was married to Mata Kishan Kaur and together they had three children. He passed Engineering from Thomson College, Roorkee and joined the Military Engineering Service. His bearing was majestic and attractive. He studied scriptures of various religions but retained a strong connection with the Gurbani of the Sikh religion.

Sant Kirpal Singh was born to a Sikh family at about 9 P.M. on a cold winter night on February 6, 1894 in the Punjab village of Sayyad Kasran in the Rawalpindi district (now part of Pakistan) at about 9 P.M. on a cold winter night on February 6. Master Kirpal remarked about his childhood attraction to solitude and meditation: “It was not written for me to play on this Earth.” In reference to his early meditations he stated, “In those days I saw the inner Light and many wondrous scenes of one inner stage or another; always such
scenes were before me.

Sant Ajaib Singh Ji Maharaj was born on September 11, 1926, to a Sikh family in the Punjab town of Maina. Orphaned within days of His birth, Ajaib was raised by His great-uncle and aunt. Like most natural mystics, the young Ajaib became interested in spiritual matters at an early age. He was reading Sikh scriptures when He was five years old. He quickly became impressed by the consistent emphasis in Jap Ji and the Adi Granth on the necessity of having a true spiritual teacher, or Satguru, and spent years looking for such a One who could show Him the way home to God.

15 August 1944 – 31 December 2023
Sant Sadhu Ram Ji was born in August 1944 and his parents, Mangla Ram and Chena Devi, lovingly named him Ladhu Ram. He grew up in a low-caste family, in a village in the former state of Bikaner, now located in Rajasthan near the Indo-Pakistan border. He did not have much formal education, and after completing up to the 9th grade in school, he started helping his father in farming. From his childhood he was strongly inclined towards spirituality and had a burning desire to realize God and to solve the mystery of life.His relatives wanted him to take an interest in the world and to accept responsibility for the family.